Send flowers to Chepelare

It has never been easier to order flowers delivery to Chepelare.

With the services of online flowers delivery shop E-cvete Chepelare you have the opportunity to make a friend or relative of yours in Chepelare happy.

Available for flowers delivery in Chepelare are all the products in our catalog. You can navigate through the different categories, using the manu in the above part of the page.

The flowers delivery to Chepelare is 25BGN, when the order has been made at least a day in advance. In case that the order is placed on the delivery date (SAME DAY DELIVERY), the delivery itself is concidered EXPRESS and costs 30BGN. The date of delivery depends on your own choice and you can determine it in the order process, as also an aproximate hour of delivery.

The delivery of flowers, bouquets, flower arrangements and baskets with flowers, fruits or presents for Chepelare are performed with our own couriers and not with logistic services.

Should you have more question regarding the flowers delivery in Chepelare, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], calling 00359/877-112-600 or via the direct online chat in the bottom right corner of the webpage.

Thanks for being our customers!

With a smile, E-cvete!

Delivery Zones

We deliver to the following localities in this province:

Aligovska, Arda, Bilyanska, Borie, Borika, Borikovo, Bostina, Breza, Bukata, Barchevo, Visokite, Vlahovo, Vodata, Voikova laka, Vranintsi, Varbovo, Vargov dol, Gabritsa, Gozdevitsa, Gorna Arda, Gorovo, Gradat, Gramade, Grashtitsa, Dimovo, Dobreva cheresha, Dolie, Dryanovets, Dunevo, Dabova, Elenska, Elhovets, Elxovo, Zaevite, Isxovtsi, Kokorkovo, Katranitsa, Kiselichevo, Koriite, Koshnitsa, Kraina, Kremene, Kukuvitsa, Kutela, Levochevo, Leska, Leshtak, Lipets, Laka, Lyulka, Madan, Milkovo, Mitovska, Momchilovtsi, Mugla, Maglishta, Nadartsi, Ogled, Oreshnitsa, Ostri pazlak, Peshtera, Pisanitsa, Podvis, Polkovnik Serafimovo, Polyana, Poprelka, Potoka, Progled, Ravninata, Ravnishta, Reka, Rechani, Ribnitsa, Rovina, Rudozem, Rustan, Selishte, Sivino, Slaveino, Smilyan, Smolyan, Sokolovtsi, Solishta, Sopotot, Srednogortsi, Stikal, Stoikite, Strazha, Sarnino, Tikale, Trebishte, Turyan, Taran, Uhlovitsa, Fatovo, Hasovitsa, Tsirka, Chepelare, Chepleten, Chereshkite, Chereshovo, Chereshovska reka, Chokmanovo, Churka, Chuchur, Sharenska, Shiroka laka, Pamporovo,

What our customers say


Send  gift basket for the New Year

Christmas gift


Ползвам услугите на Ecvete от няколко години и съм изключително доволна. Пратките са винаги много добре оформени и доставени с голяма точност. Благодаря Ви!

Станка П., 05.01.2024.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Send white Phalaenopsis orchid to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna.

White Orchid in pot

$39.25 $42.05

Както винаги съм очарована от вашето обслужване! Бъдете здрави и продължавайте да изпълнявате нашите желания!

Ваня С., 12.01.2022.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Send a bouquet of orchids and roses -  Arsenia

Bouquet - Arsenia

$46.82 $52.42

Много благодарим, че можем да зарадвам близък човек дори и на хиляди километри.

Владимир К., 27.11.2021.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Send romantic bouquet of red roses and a Teddy Bear.

Romantic surprise


Вие хора вършите невероятна работа. Радвате много хора! Highly recommended!! ☆☆☆☆☆ +

Анелия Б., 11.10.2019.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Flower delivery - pink bouquet of  orchids

Tenderness and exotic


За пореден път надминаха моите очаквания. Бързо, точно и качествено обслужване. Заслужени пет звезди *****
Благодаря Ви.

Анелия Б., 23.09.2019.
Send flowers to Chepelare


A basket with tangerines - online order and delivery

Fresh tangerines


Отлично обслужване както винаги. От години радвате близки и познати с вашата качествена работа. Благодаря Ви.

Недко А., 05.06.2019.
Send flowers to Chepelare


A basket with tangerines - online order and delivery

Fresh tangerines


Любимият ми сайт когато е време да зарадвам близките ми хора от разстояние.
Винаги точни с доставката, винаги на ниво с качеството. Силно препоръчвам!!!
Благодаря Ви за прекрасната работа която правите.

Илза А., 30.03.2019.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Send by courier a bouquet of chrysanthemums and orchids.



Поръчката беше изпълнена в рамките на посочения интервал след, като беше пусната буквално няколко часа по-рано. За съжаление липсваха орхидеи, но екипа беше много любезен да се свърже с мен за да изберем други цветя, като също така предложиха вариант при, който да се запази цветовата гама. С удоволствие бих направила поръчка отново.

Нели К., 18.01.2019.
Send flowers to Chepelare


Send a chocolate bouquet -  Beautiful Smile

Chocolate bouquet - Beautiful S...


Страхотни сте! Точни и коректни.
Благодаря Ви!

Анелия и Даниел Б., 12.10.2017.
Send flowers to Chepelare

Best sellers See more »

Delvery of roses and a bouquet of red roses to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas.

Red roses

Tender hug - a bouquet of red and white roses with greenary.

Tender hug

$55.51 $62.23
Send a romantic bouquet of red roses.

All is love

Send bouquets of tulips. Flower delivery for 8th March.

Colorful tulips

Send a bouquet of colourful roses by courier

Colourful roses

Send white Phalaenopsis orchid

Orchid and Gifts

$49.90 $53.26
Send romantic bouquet of roses to Sofia.

Romantic mystery

Senad Pink Phalaenopsis orchid by courier to Sofia.

Pink Phalaenopsis orchid - doub...

Azure - bouquet of white lily.

Bouquet - Azure

$22.99 $25.23
Send spring bouquet of tulips to Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna

Spring rainbow

Send a bouquet of orchids and roses -  Arsenia

Bouquet - Arsenia

$46.82 $52.42
Send  a bouquet of pink roses to Ruse, Plovdiv, Burgas.

Love fairy tale

$35.60 $38.41