Choose a bouquet of pink flowers - roses, gerberas, chrysanthemums, lilies. The pink flowers are symbol of thenderness, purity, cheerfulness. Take the opportunity of using our service to deliver bouquets of pink flowers by personal couriers all over Bulgaria.
Stylish, loving bouquet of 5 pink lilies, pink alstroemerias, gypsophila and fresh greenery, finished with fancy papers - tender gift for the beloved one.
Classic bouquet of delicate roses - standard and spray roses, in combination with tender and fresh alstroemerias, greenery and appropriate double-layer wrapping.
We offer you a classic bouquet of flowers, through which you can express your congratulations to your close friend or colleague, on the occasion of his holiday or his success.
A beautiful, gentle and romantic bouquet of pink flowers - roses and eustomas, with which you will pleasantly surprise a loved one in an original way - with an original and unique bouquet.