Send baskets with flowers for St. Valentine's Day

Surprise the beloved one with impressive basket with flowers for St Valentine's Day. Flower baskets are enormous, beautiful and delivered by personal couriers from our flower shops in Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas, Russe and many other towns in Bulgaria. You have to contact us a day before the date of delivery if you decide to order a flower basket.
Order online romantic box with red and white roses

The only one

Delivery of 15 red roses in a box

15 red roses in box

Send tulips to Bulgaria by local florist


Basket - Spring

Basket - Spring

Delivery of a basket - Sparkling rozes

Basket - Sparkling roses

Send a spring basket - one of our stylish suggestions

Spring Basket

$70.98 $74.75
Send a basket with colourful tulips.

Spring morning

$82.28 $86.58
Send a basket with tulips to Sofia, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv.

Basket with Tulips

$71.52 $77.97
Basket with red roses and gypsophila

Red roses in basket

$79.05 $82.28
Send beautiful basket with red roses, gypsophila and greenery

Basket with roses Harmony

$89.27 $96.80
Send to Bulgaria basket with white roses


Send pink roses in a flower box

Pink roses in a box

$91.42 $94.64
Flowers delivery to Bulgaria by local florist

Flower basket - My dear Lady

Send a basket with 51 multicoloured roses

Basket with 51 multicoloured ro...

Send a basket with 101 red roses and greeneries.

101 roses in basket

Basket with gifts Romance


Send a basket with 25 red roses


Delivery of a basket of roses to an address in Bulgaria

Basket of roses

$131.75 $136.05
Send to Bulgaria a box of colorful flowers

Flowers in a box

$51.09 $52.16