Bouquet of yellow roses

Send a bouquet of yellow roses and greenery.
$66.29 $68.41


4.95 average

10 reviews

Send to the beloved girl this splendid bouquet of 15 yellow luxury roses, stylishly wrapped. Show your feelings or make a surprise to a close friend for spacial occasion. Whatever the occasion is, this bouquet will say much more than the words can express :).

Product contents:
13x Yellow rose 60cm
2x Wrap

What our customers say about Bouquet of yellow roses


Нямаше букета който исках да изпратя, но много благодаря за съдействието по телефона!

Петя П., 02.02.2021.
Send flowers to Veliko Tarnovo


Prekrasni cvetq kakto vinagi! Blagodarya vi!!!

Галина Я., 14.11.2017.
Send flowers to Kazanlak


Бърза доставка и прекрасен букет. Благодаря!

Преслава П., 31.03.2017.
Send flowers to Varna

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