Bouquet of 5 white lilies, 10 white roses and a lot of greens. The vase is not included. You can choose it from the options on the right side of the picture.
Bouquet - Snow Lilies
5.00 average
6 reviews
Product contents:
10x White rose 60cm
5x White lily
2x Wrap and greenery
What our customers say about Bouquet - Snow Lilies
Excellent work, very flexible, reliable, and the flowers were beautiful!! THANK YOU!!!
Kelley W.,
Send flowers to Sofia
Use this site all the time. Sending flowers to Bansko from London. They never fail to disappoint. Stunning bouquets at reasonable prices. They go above and beyond in delivering also. My girlfriend want at home on the delivery slot. So they called her and delivered to her place of work. Excellent service
Matthew H.,
Send flowers to Bansko