Bouquet of Anthuriums and Greens

Delivery of Bouquet Anthuriums and Greens


5.00 average

2 reviews

Exotic offer in our store - beautiful and extravagant bouquet of five Anthuriums in combination with appropriate fresh greens.

The vase is not included. You can choose it from the options on the right side of the picture. Replacement of the vase with a similar one is possible, according to the available vases in our local store

Product contents:
5x Anthurium
1x Wrap and greenery

What our customers say about Bouquet of Anthuriums and Greens


E-cvete са супер. Поръчах букет онлайн - има голям избор. Видът на букета на живо беше същия като на сайта. Доставката беше навреме.

Hristo N., 07.02.2019.
Send flowers to Sofia


Безупречно, благодаря!

Таки Г., 07.04.2018.
Send flowers to Svishtov

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