A bouquet of 21 delicate pink roses expresses tenderness and love. Their freshness radiates elegance, while the shades of pink add a romantic touch. This is the perfect gift that conveys gentle emotions and captures attention with its beautiful simplicity.
21 pink roses bouquet
5.00 average
2 reviews
Product contents:
21x Pink rose 60cm
2x Wrap and greenery
What our customers say about 21 pink roses bouquet
Професионално и точно обслужване. Ползвала съм E-cvete няколко пъти и всеки път са поддържали същото високо ниво на обслужване! Препоръчвам ги!
велислава а.,
Send flowers to Ruse
Perfect service with very pleasant personal! Fresh flowers and absolutely improve your expectations! Thanks a lot! No doubts, we will use your service again.
Rostyslav L.,
Send flowers to Varna