15 roses bouquet

Flower delivery to Bulgaria 15 roses bouquet


5.00 average

10 reviews

A romantic bouquet of roses, arranged in an original way, in combination with fresh greenery and appropriate wrap.

From the options next to the photo, you can choose the color of the roses with which to arrange the bouquet.

Product contents:
15x Red rose 60cm
2x Wrap and greenery

What our customers say about 15 roses bouquet


Супер сте!

Ивайло М., 21.12.2023.
Send flowers to Sofia


Перфектен букет и прекрасно отношение при доставката!

Ивайло С., 11.12.2023.
Send flowers to Sofia


Радвам се,че избрах чрез вас да зарадвам някого,всичко беше изпълнено точно! Благидаря ви! Препоръчвам !

Александър М., 09.05.2023.
Send flowers to Pazardzhik

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