Bouquet of red and pink roses

Send a bouquet of red and pink roses by courier
$83.61 $86.78


5.00 average

26 reviews

Enormous, lovely bouquet of 9 pink and 10 red roses and greenery, wrapped in fancy papers.

Product contents:
10x Red rose 60cm
9x Pink rose 60cm
2x Wrap and greenery

What our customers say about Bouquet of red and pink roses


Точна доставка. Красив букет. Любезно обслужване.

Милчо И., 05.09.2023.
Send flowers to Veliko Tarnovo


Ползвам за втори път услугите на Е - Цвете и съм страшно доволна , зарадвах най-близките за мен хора със страхотно свежите им и ароматни букети! Препоръчвам ги с две ръце! Може да им се доверите без проблем, всяко ваше желание изпълняват и са много мили хората от екипът им!

Теодора И., 19.10.2022.
Send flowers to Pleven


Order was easy to make with no issues, communication was good. Delivery was made and communicated well via email when flowers were being prepared and again when delivered. Good quality product was delivered as planned. Thanks for the excellent service.

Ross M., 16.01.2021.
Send flowers to Burgas


Thank you so much for your help and assistance with making this order - the flowers were absolutely beautiful and you delivered quickly without any fuss. You've made a special girl, and me very happy! :D

David L., 13.09.2018.
Send flowers to Burgas


Excellent, thank you!

Edward K., 28.08.2018.
Send flowers to Plovdiv


Много професионални и изключителни букети. Много добре извършена доставка. Нямам никакви забележки отново ще използвам услугите ви. Благодаря ви за вниманието и добре изпълнената поръчка.

Иван Д., 27.08.2018.
Send flowers to Tryavna


Thank you very much for your attention, quick solution of all issues and a beautiful flowers!

Прайм-1С-Екатеринбург П., 26.06.2018.
Send flowers to Dabovik


Красив букет доставе на време!

Малинка К., 25.05.2018.
Send flowers to Sofia


Straxotno i lesno beshe vsichko !!!!!!

Aneliya Y., 23.12.2017.
Send flowers to Stara Zagora

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